Monday, 26 February 2007

My Life - How the fraudster works

High-Yield Investment Programs
(HYIPs) & Bank Debentures
How about risk-free and guaranteed returns of 30% per week on your investments, generated from super-secret off-balance-sheet trading by prime European banks? Or, how about some Medium-Term Notes issued by the U.S. Federal Reserve which are deeply discounted so that the effective rate of return is 80% profit to you. 1933 Chinese Bonds paying 1,000% interest, anybody? All of this sounds pretty good, but it's completely bogus and the hottest financial scam going these days.
This section starts here.
Keep getting burned by HYIP and MTN deals? Well, courtesy of the Synergized Debentured Netdom of Quatloosia, we bring you a list of certified programs that are sure to make you join the ranks of the super-rich. With these deals, you cannot lose -- just call up the Ferrari dealership and tell them to stay open a little later tonight. All the top programs by all the top performers, all rolled into one simple list so that you can choose your winner.
NEW! - PIPS Scams (People in Profit System)
NEW! - U.S. Department of Justice Explanation of Prime Bank/High-Yield Investment Schemes
This exhibit chronicles the life and times of Mr. Clyde Hood, a former Fortune 500 trader and one of only 5 traders in the entire world who can pull off multi-billion dollar bank debenture deals to benefit humanitarian programs worldwide. All you have to do is invest $100 and you'll get that back plus $5,000 in only 9 months. Smell a rat? Tens of thousands of people across America didn't, and trusted Mr. Hood -- who was really just a retired electrician with a history of petty crime living in Mattoon, Illinois -- with tens of millions of dollars, sent to him via FedEx in $100 bills wrapped in aluminum foil. Now, Clyde and about a dozen others from Mattoon are enjoying the hospitality of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, while amazingly some people still believe that he will come through for them -- but this time for millions of dollars per $100 invested.
Omega Promoters Admit Guilt
U.S. Attorney's Press Release
Latest Stupid Omega Rumors
More Latest Stupid Omega Rumors
The Omega Chronicals
• Exhibit: NESARA SCAM
An old prime bank scam doesn't die . . . it just hires space aliens to depose the Bush Administration and keep the hope of funding alive. The "true NESARA law" is exposed as a front for an elaborate donations scam run by some of the same people that helped to perpetuate the Omega Trust & Trading scam, although now with the most bizarre of New Age cultish overtones. Bizarre and funny all at once. Includes:
Dove Updates
Dove Doo Doo
Prosperity Programs - NESARA - Omega Forum
Jennifer Lee Updates
Deep Knight Updates
Mother Sekmet vs. Tony-the-Wonder-Llama
Morganthau Bonds
HYIPs & Bank Debenture News & Articles

South African fraud group that includes ex members of the South African High Commission Diplomatic core and intelligence department.

Sir, what worries me is that you have named some of them that are directly linked to the fraud group that scammed my fiance, they are:

Gerhard Laubscher.
Dr Hans R Balzer.

Please check this web site:

Click the " About " button at the top, next to the service button

This gives details of all the directors linked to Peter Wolfgang Filippinetti.

Check all the directors, most are South African, some are Russian.

I have other names you may identify, they are:

Chris Du Toit. ex South African High Commission.
Diplomatic Core.
Maarten Adriaan Schalekamp.
Louis Mendes.
Christopher Shaw.
Jurgen Peter Blume. ( German )
Kenneth John Wilson. South African.
Jacob Barak.
Nohar Sarjoo.
Salah Bin Zaal.
David Stockard.
Saiff Durbar.
Peter Alexander Wilberforce Moss.

High-Yield Interest Programs, Bank Debentures
& Bank Debenture Trading Programs,
and Prime Banks Programs
OPEN FORUM: Securities Fraud -- Due Diligence in Finance Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPO’s, Verticals’ Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc.
This is one of the most common financial scams. The scam artists will a wild tale of fortune including some or all of the following.
The scam artists will spin a long line of hokey nonsense relating to the post-World War II Bretton Woods accords, “off-sheet” financing by the “Top 50” worldwide banks, and “guaranteed” or “risk-free” trading. They will tell you that they (or somebody they are working for) is “one of only five (or six, or seven, or eight – or whatever number they pull out of the air at that particular moment) traders in the world who are familiar with these types of trades and are capable of pulling them off.” They will tell you that these trades are done at the “$100M” level only, but that miraculously you can start off with a very small amount of money and margin yourself into a $100 million position. Alternatively, they tell you that you can get a bunch of friends together and “pool” the necessary funds.
They will also tell you that they or whoever they are working for has done these trades for fifteen or twenty years, and have secretly made hundreds of millions of dollars. They are allowing you to do these trades instead of doing them themselves because they have made enough money and want to help you benefit some church, charitable, or humanitarian purpose. They will tell you that there is “NO WAY” that you money can disappear, and that it will sit in your own bank account unmolested until your hundreds of millions arrive. They will tell you that you can make astronomical interest rates, such as 20% to 80% per week, and that exponentially your profits will skyrocket.
How the Scam Artists
Get Your Money
The scam artists prey on your lack of financial sophistication. If you money was truly “not at risk” there would be absolutely no reason to have to put it up. Yet, the scam artists come up with a bunch of bogus tales about “off-balance sheet financing” and other hooey that convinces you to do one of the following:
+ You deposit your money in an account with a “Prime Bank” such as Citibank (which doesn’t know the scam is being perpetrated). The scam artists forge a letter of credit which they then exercise and transfer your money offshore, never to be found.
+ You deposit your money in an account with a “Prime Bank” such as Credit Suisse (which doesn’t know the scam is being perpetrated). The scam artists didn’t tell you that the account is a “correspondent account” held in that bank for their own bogus bank that they formed, and they simply transfer your money offshore, never to be found.
+ The scam artists convince you to put your money in a safe deposit box. Later, they tell you that it is stupid to keep money in cash where it is not earning interest. Instead, they say they will get “the traders” to accept a “bond”, such as a Houston Railroad Bond or an Imperial Chinese Bond that earns astronomic rates of interest. Only much later do you discover that the bonds are completely worthless.
And so forth and so on. Once your money has been deposited in the bank, there are about a hundred different ways for the scam artists to get at it.
"A big lie is more plausible than the truth."
-- Ernest Hemingway
Complete Lie: "There is a secret banking system where the big banks make astronomical returns, and you can't participate unless you pool with others or place your money with someone who has an place in the system."
This is a COMPLETE LIE, and anyone who says this is a scam artist. We regularly work with the major offshore banks, and have any friends and acquaintances at these banks, and can tell you that they laugh at the allegation that there is a "secret" banking system that produces crazily high returns as the promoters of the bank debenture scam suggest.
COMPLETE LIE: "The U.S. government is covering up this secret banking system."
This is a COMPLETE LIE that the U.S. government is somehow covering up this phantom banking system. This is NOT TRUE and anyone who says this is a scam artist. First, as shown above, it doesn't exist. Second, trading in currency is tightly monitored by literally hundreds of private groups worldwide, and even a small trade would instantly be recognized by these private groups.
COMPLETE LIE: "The program uses International Chamber of Commerce Approved Forms."
The International Chamber of Commerce does NOT approve forms for these programs, and anyone who claims this is a scam artist. To the contrary, the International Chamber of Commerce has put out warnings that it has not approved any such forms, and that forgers are illegally making up such documents without either the knowledge or approval of the ICC. Other forgeries that have been found include forgeries of documents purporting to be from the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Bank of England, and even the Queen of England!
If you see anywhere in the scam artists' materials that they or their forms are "approved" by the ICC run! This is the baldest of lies.
COMPLETE LIE: "These securities do not need to be registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission or the State Securities Commission of the state wherein they are marketed or sold."
This is NOT TRUE and anyone who says this is a LIAR. To the contrary, when legitimate bank debentures are sold to the public, they are ALWAYS registered with the Securities Commission of the state wherein they are sold, and in most cases are also registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. IF YOU CANNOT CALL YOUR STATE SECURITIES COMMISSIONER AND CONFIRM THAT THE DEBENTURES HAVE BEEN REGISTERED, IT IS ALMOST CERTAIN THAT THEY ARE BEING MARKETED AND SOLD ILLEGALLY.
Private Placement Lies: Many scam artists will pitch that their schemes are somehow exempt from regulation because they are a "private placement". The truth is that many states require private placements to be registered, and at any rate if the scheme raises over $2 million aggregate amongst the states (i.e., $2 million anywhere) it MUST registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission!!!!! So, if someone says that they have raised $20 million dollars but they are not registered, it aren’t a legitimate deal.
COMPLETE LIE: "There is a major U.S. bank which guarantees these instruments."
This is NOT TRUE and anyone who says this is a LIAR. The scam artists will tell you that they cannot disclose the identity of the U.S. bank which guarantees the investment, or else will tell you the name of whichever bank they pull off the top of their head, but either tell you that you should not contact the bank directly, or they get one of their scam artist buddies to call you up and represent that they are a bank officer. No U.S. bank participates in these schemes, period, and many of them issue warnings to the public not to get involved in these scams.
A recent variation of this scam is for the scam artists to set up an offshore bank with a name that is very similar to an international bank, such as "Barclays International Bank" (which doesn't exist and plays off the Barclays name). These offshore banks never have any real assets or backing, and their guarantees are worthless.
COMPLETE LIE: "Others have made money with these programs."
Nobody except the scam artists have ever made money with these programs. A few people have gotten a small portion of their money back, usually for helping the scam artist scam somebody else, and that is it. We've seen hundreds of these scams the past year, but not a single person who could actually document that they made even a single penny over what they invested into it.
People who claim that they have made money on these programs always fall into one of two categories:
• Ringers, being persons set up and in cahoots with the scam artists to claim that they have made money; and
• Suckers, folks who have been scammed and are now going along with the scam artist on the condition that the scam artist will repay them a portion of their money lost for getting new suckers into these programs.
COMPLETE LIE: "These programs are back by or involved with the International Monetary Fund."
This is a total load of bull hockey (see Notice at right). The IMF has repeatedly warned about this scam.
So, if somebody claims that their investment has IMF involvement, you know it is a total lie.
RESOURCE Prime Bank/High Yield Investment Schemes
Report from the Fraud Section, Criminal Division of the Department of Justice.
FINALLY! An HYIP Program that Works! - Parsons Heritage Offshore Opportunities Ltd. is the ONLY prime bank and HYIP program that YOU can trust! Strongly Endorsed by Quatloos!
RESOURCE HYIPs and Prime Bank Notes: Fact or Fraud?
Expose of Prime Bank Notes, Corporate Roll Programs, Medium Term Notes, Bank Guarantees, Letters of Credit, and Stand By Letters of Credit, written by Investor Data Exchange.
• United States of America v. Parr
• United States of America v. Rattan Lal Aggarwal
• United States of America v. Arthur R. Andrews
• United States of America v. Gary D. Bolin
• United States of America v. Richard C. Gravatt
• United States of America v. Grady Lewis Hand
• United States of America v. Edward Keith Howick
• SEC v. John D. Lauer and Clifton Capital Investors L.P.
• United States of America v. Herbert J. Lewis and Vernon Abrahams
• United States of America v. James F. Moored
• National Council Of The Churches Of Christ In The USA v. First Union National Bank Of Virginia
• United States of America v. Delton Owen Olson
• United States of America v. Joseph Polichemi, ET AL
• United States of America v. Al Richards, Roger Braugh, and Kurt Latrasse
• United States of America v. Morreon B. Rude
• United States of America v. William Martin Valuck
• United States of America v. Suzanne Wonderly

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If You Have Been Scammed or Have Been
Approached by Promoters of this Scam
Call your local FBI branch immediately, and tell them how you have been approached. Call also your state's securities commission. Contact the SEC at their Online Complaint Center. Cooperate with law enforcement -- maybe you can help them to catch the promoters!

If you have signed one of the "Secrecy and Confidentiality" agreements (however it may be titled) please be advised that the agreement is NULL AND VOID because it is part of an illegal agreement -- that is, you CANNOT be successfully sued because you signed one of these hokey forms and later went to law enforcement to lodge a complaint. Promoters often try to threaten people when they want their money back that they will be "sued" for violating the agreement, but the plain fact is that these agreements have no effect as a matter of law because the underlying scam transaction was invalid.

Note also that if you are a VICTIM of this scam, you have done nothing wrong and will not be prosecuted for cooperating and assisting authorities. Therefore, there is NO REASON NOT TO CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES to at least help prevent someone else from being scammed.

Finally, the BEST WAY that you are going to get your money is by way of a Victim's Restitution Order. That is, if the person who has scammed you is convicted, they will have to pay you your money back before they will be released from parole. This is another reason that you should immediately go to the authorities and disclose the fraud.
Once a victim has figured out that he or she won't be getting their money back, they are then often lead into the "end game" where they will essentially assist in the fraud. The line the promoter will give is this: "Look, I can't give you your money back unless you bring someone else to me. Bring someone else to me, and I will give you a cut of their money." If the victim goes along, the victim is now also a promoter, and is guilty of fraud, securities fraud, embezzlement, and aid & abetting fraud, securities fraud, and embezzlement -- so don't go along: Turn the promoter in to the authorities instead!

As mention above, the BEST WAY to get your money back is to file criminal charges against the promoter, and seek a Victim's Restitution Order. Not only does this offer you your best hope of getting at least a portion of your money back, but it will also take the promoter off the street and hopefully save somebody else from being sucked into this scheme.

Please note that when someone tells you that they have made these astronomical returns off the program, it usually means that they have already been scammed, and are trying to get you into it so that they can re-coup part of their investment. Well, turn these folks in to the authorities, too, because they are no better than the original scam artist.
Like any other scam, people who have been scammed with these programs go into denial that they even have been scammed.

Many people can't get over the mental barrier that they have lost everything. The only thing they have to live for is the hope that their money might come back, and we have seen people wait for years even after the scam artist has completely vanished and they don't even know who to call to check on their investment. But they still sit around, thinking that someday, somehow, a check for millions will somehow miraculously appear in their mailbox.

Many people are embarrassed because they have been scammed. They've told their family and friends about this great investment, and simply can't face them to say that they did something stupid.

Many people are culpable because they have also gotten their family and friends to invest in these programs, and even if the scam artist can't be found, they will go to jail for aiding and abetting the felony sale of securities without a license, embezzlement, etc.

Well, all you folks who fall into these categories NEED TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE. Your money is gone, vamoosed, and you will never, ever get it back. The least you can do is report your losses to the police and to the FBI so that at least they can stop the scam artist before they hurt someone else.
About twice a month, we get actually get calls from the scam artists themselves, posing from everything from an interested investor to an attorney acting on behalf of one of the roll programs. These idiots offer all sorts of B.S., arguing that their program is somehow "different" or that they have "guaranteed returns" or other such nonsense. Notably, they almost all hang up when we suggest that if their program is so good, that they should take it to the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission and register it!

Again, we have seen literally hundreds of these programs over the last several years but we have YET to see even a single legitimate one. Not one!
Every couple of weeks, some sucker who is about to be scammed calls us and says essentially "I've read your website but isn't it possible that some of these might be for real?"
No! Hell No!
None of these are for real, period. This scam has been going on for years, and to date NO program has been legitimate. If you can't find the proposed program investment in either the Wall Street Journal or the London Financial Times, and if it has not been registered with your State Securities Commissioner, then it is a scam. Any and all reasons why it is not so listed are the purest of lies.

During the course of the last several years, we have seen hundreds of these programs, but we have yet to see a real one! If there is a real one out there, we'd like to know because it would be the first. We're not holding our breath, however.

[Please do not send us information to evaluate these programs, unless you also send us the U.S. address of the promoter so that we can forward this information to law enforcement for them to check against their records.]

© 2002-2005 by Financial & Tax Fraud Associates, Inc.. All rights reserved. No portion of this website may be reprinted in whole or in part without the express, written permission of Financial & Tax Fraud Associates, Inc. This site is Legal issues should be faxed to (877) 698-0678. Our attorneys are Grobaty & Pitet LLP ( and Riser Adkisson LLP (

Office Supplies Frauds & Scams
Material provided with the permission of Les Henderson &

Highly Recommended!
Les Henderson's Crimes of Persuasion
A comprehensive look at schemes, scams & frauds
Book available from Amazon and other retailers
ISBN 0-9687133-0-0

Bogus Invoices / Office Supplies
Businesses, churches, and fraternal and charitable organizations are being bilked out of millions of dollars by bogus office supply firms. You can protect yourself by learning to recognize the scams and understanding your rights.
The typical office supply scam involves goods or services that you routinely order: copier paper, toner and maintenance supplies, equipment maintenance contracts, or classified advertising. When fraudulent telemarketers call, they often lie to get you to pay for items you didn't order, or to get you to pay more than you agreed to.
They take advantage of holes in your organization's purchasing procedures or of unsuspecting employees who may not be aware of office practices. What's worse, the office supplies peddled by these bogus firms are often overpriced and of poor quality and the services are usually worthless.

Phony-invoice Scams
Schemers know that a business sometimes makes mistakes or can be careless in its accounting, so they prey on these weaknesses. Lifting names from mailing lists, business registers, the Yellow Pages or published advertisements, swindlers send "pro-forma" invoices for supplies and services. However, the invoice may be a solicitation in disguise and in very fine print contain the following disclaimer:
"This is a solicitation. You are under no obligation to pay unless you accept this offer."
Although the law states that it is illegal to send such a solicitation without the disclaimer being conspicuous and in large print, there are those who flout the regulations and send disguised solicitations.

Authorized Buyer
One goal of the phony-invoice scam is to get the name of an employee before your organization is shipped and billed for unordered goods or services. They use various ploys to do so such as asking for help completing an order, claiming that "the accounting department lost the name of the person we should send these supplies to," or they may ask for the name of the person in charge of your advertising or purchasing.
The phony invoice, which includes the employee's name as the "authorized" buyer, arrives a week or so after, for two reasons.
First, the inflated price, as much as ten times what you'd pay for the same goods from a legitimate supplier, is less obvious if the invoice arrives after the merchandise has been received and stocked.
Second, the chances are good that you've used the merchandise before the invoice arrives. Many organizations mistakenly believe that they must return unordered merchandise or pay for unordered merchandise before they've used it.

The Pretender Scam
In the pretender scam, the caller may pretend to be your regular or previous supplier, a replacement, or an "authorized" supplier. By convincing you that the goods or services and prices offered are the same as before, the caller hopes you won't bring up prices, quantities, and brands. Even if you do, the seller may try to brush you off by saying, "We've supplied you in the past, but it's been a while," or "The price is the same as last time."
If you insist on a price quote, the seller may give a price that sounds reasonable for one carton but is actually for a single unit, such as "$19.95 in a carton of 10," meaning the carton price is 10 times $19.95, or $199.50.
They can misrepresent the quality, quantity, type, price, or brand name. For example, the toner for your Xerox copier may not be Xerox brand toner. Some scam artists try to duplicate brand name packaging; others sell half a carton of merchandise at the full-carton price.
In another twist, the caller uses high-pressure tactics to rush your purchase decision and dodge questions about price, quantity and brand names. The seller may falsely claim that prices are going up soon, someone was forced out of business, a warehouse is overstocked, or a limited inventory of government surplus is available. Or that a computer glitch delayed notification of a price increase, but, as a courtesy, an order has been reserved for you at the "regular" or "old" price.
He may misrepresent the purpose of the call, saying that he's calling to send you a promotional item such as a cordless screwdriver, free samples, or a catalogue so you'll "think of him next time you order."
If you send back the single toner cartridge they sent uninvited, they may call up and say you kept one of the two they sent, so pay up.
Or the seller may claim that he's conducting a survey of office equipment or updating company records, leading you to believe that he's the regular or previous supplier. Before hanging up, the caller may mention, in passing, actual merchandise. "I'll send that screwdriver to you right away … and while I'm at it, I'll throw in a few deodorant blocks." Soon, a shipment arrives, matching your equipment supplies, followed by a bill.

The Gift-Horse Scam
The gift-horse scam tries to create mistrust within an organization. The scheme starts when the caller tricks an employee into accepting a gift or a free promotional item, with a passing reference to merchandise or services. You then receive overpriced, unordered merchandise, followed by an invoice with the employee's name.
When the organization questions the employee, the fraudulent seller is betting that the employee will be nervous about the gift when he denies placing the order. The hope is that the organization will doubt the employee. When this scheme works, the organization believes that the employee blundered into ordering something that must be paid for.
They may also target a person with the authority to sign cheques, then work on their fear of job loss, while sending escalating and persistent invoicing, despite continued "last one" promises. They may even threaten to notify higher-ups of the personal gifts if the false bills are not paid.
Though they rarely blackmail people in this fashion, one scammer's efforts eventually had several bookkeepers charged with embezzlement with the continued use of the phrase "You still have a balance due on your account!"

24 Hour Scamming
One group was charged for sending invoices to organizations, including churches and non-profit organizations, for unordered computer repair service contracts. Their mailings indicated that they were "renewals" or "upgrades of service" to previous contracts, or warned that an account was "past due." Their solicitations also provided an 800 number for consumers to call for "unlimited maintenance and repair services" including assistance by telephone. The FTC alleged that the defendants rarely, if ever, provided the promised services to consumers.

Paper Pirates and Toner Phoners
One "toner bandit" scheme defrauded numerous medical and dental providers who were induced to pay false and fictitious invoices for high priced, unordered and undelivered copy machine toner.
Supply Distribution Centre set up customer service telephones and mail boxes through which to operate the false billing scheme. Fictitious invoices charging $274.95 or $283.92 for one carton of unordered copy machine toner were printed and mailed out to various businesses and institutions. About $14,000 in victims' checks was deposited into their account while about $140,000 worth was cashed at a liquor store.
Victims who complained about the invoices to them or to consumer protection agencies had their invoices cancelled in an effort to reduce complaints and hide the scheme. No toner was ever shipped to victims who paid the initial invoices. Instead, they simply received another invoice billing them for another shipment of unordered toner.

Willing To Clean You Out
Perpetrated through a company that used the names of Sharp Industries, Saturn Industries, Polaris Industries, Trans-America, and Chem. Tech, one telemarketing scheme defrauded thousands of victim companies including nursing homes, churches, hotels, schools, hospitals and other organizations nationwide out of over $12 million during a five-year period.
They caused the victim companies to pay exorbitant prices for maintenance supplies such as penetrating oil, silicone spray, trash bags, and other products they ordered. For example, a case of penetrating oil (12 cans per case) was commonly charged to the victims at approximately $420 for one case (12 cans - $35 per can), when the same product was purchased wholesale for approximately $30 ($2.50 per can).
In addition to charging grossly inflated prices to unsuspecting customers they would also send gifts or kickbacks to the home addresses of purchasing agents to induce them to pay the exorbitant prices charged on the sales invoices.

We Have To Keep Moving
Complaints from a real estate firm, a trucking company, a hospital, a school district, and a non-profit agency describe phone calls from a young woman, claiming that her father is closing his office supply business in a nearby town and moving the business. She claims the supplies are offered "at cost" or "very cheap," and quotes specific prices.
The supplies are shipped, but the invoice amounts are higher than expected. Totals have been reported of $292 to $1,922. In some cases the original price quoted turned out to be "per item," rather than "per box" and did not reflect the price quoted over the telephone.

After the Invoice Arrives
Scam artists can spend significant time and energy on collection efforts. They will send as many invoices as it takes to get your money. Invoices often are stamped "Past Due." In extreme cases, they'll resort to real or bogus collection agencies and threats of legal action, preceded by dunning letters.
An organization that pays for unordered goods or services also may be targeted for additional scams or "reloaded." For example, the seller may send a second shipment of "back ordered" merchandise and another bill, or bills for service upgrades.
Additional invoices follow as long as you continue to pay. The con artist also may sell your organization's name to other scam operators, or convert to another bogus operation and target you with a new scheme.

The Brush-off
When organizations complain that they didn't order the merchandise or services or that the price is too high, the scam seller reacts in some predictable ways:
• Bullying. The seller argues with you if you express any uncertainty about whether the supplies or services were ever ordered: "They were ordered. We have a recording of Mr. Jones. If you don't pay, we can take you to court."
• Negotiating. Here, the seller agrees to accept a lower price. After all, the goods and services are so grossly overpriced that almost anything the seller gets is profit. If you complain about price, the seller may say, "You were charged what? They must not have given you the discount for...." The seller then tries to negotiate "a better deal." Sometimes, the seller appeals for sympathy: "We really need the business. I'll let you have it for...."
• Charging for returned merchandise. The seller claims you can return merchandise if you pay a "restocking fee." In fact, the fee is often more than the goods are worth. Similarly, the seller may try to get you to pay shipping charges to return the items.

How To Avoid Supply Scams
You can protect your organization from paying for unordered goods and services. Here's how:
1. Know your rights. If you receive supplies or bills for services you didn't order, don't pay, and don't return the unordered merchandise. You may treat unordered merchandise as a gift.
By law, it's illegal for a seller to send you bills or dunning notices for unordered merchandise, or ask you to return it, even if the seller offers to pay for shipping.
Further, if the seller sends you items that differ from your order, you may treat the substitutions as unordered merchandise. Unordered services are treated the same way. However, first consider the possibility that the seller made an honest mistake.
2. Assign designated buyers and documents your purchases. For each order, the designated employee should issue a purchase order, electronic or written, to the supplier with an authorized signature and a purchase order number.
The order form should instruct the supplier to note the purchase order number on the invoice and bill of lading. The buyer should send a copy of every purchase order to your accounts payable department. Keep blank order forms secure.
3. Check your documentation before paying bills. When merchandise arrives, the receiving employee should verify that it matches the shipper's bill of lading, paying special attention to brands and quantity, and your purchase order. Refuse merchandise that doesn't. If everything's in order, the employee should send a copy of the bill of lading to your accounts payable department.
Bills for services should be reconciled the same way. A supplier should not be paid unless the invoice has the correct purchase order number and the information on the invoice, the purchase order and the bill of lading match.
4. Train your staff. Train everyone in how to respond to telemarketers. Advise employees who are not authorized to order supplies and services to say, "I'm not authorized to place orders. If you want to sell us something, you must speak to that person and get a purchase order."
Buy from people you know and trust. Authorized employees should be sceptical of "cold" or unsolicited calls and feel comfortable saying no to high-pressure sales tactics. Legitimate companies don't pressure you to make a snap decision. Finally, consider asking new suppliers to send a catalogue first.

Ten Million Reasons Not To Realize
Edward Tunick, who faces seven to 10 years in prison for his January conviction on nine counts of mail fraud in federal court, was involved in telemarketing maintenance supplies for 12 years. By his own admission, his companies, which ran under multiple names, tallied gross receipts of more than $10 million in that period.
Suggesting that it took a jury trial to make him realize the error of his ways, Tunick said he did not realize until after his conviction that what he was doing was against the law.
He and his employees would call businesses offering products -- in his case, light bulbs and janitorial supplies, while avoiding the subject of price during their calls. Posing as long time suppliers to the victim companies and often offering gifts to employees to help persuade them to place an order, Tunick then would send the products to one address and the invoice, with marked-up prices, to another.
The scam works because large companies often fail to question invoices below a certain dollar value, usually $500. Fraudulent telemarketers know this so they keep sending bills for $200 or $300.

Office Supply Outrage
27 Apr 2001
Thank you for having this web site!
I just got hit with this again today, and it's prompted me to write, warning everyone about this telemarketing scam.
Several years ago, I was working as an office manager for an architectural firm. One day I received a phone call from a guy who asked me if I could confirm the model number of the copier in my office. He acted very casual, as if he had been dealing with our company for years. Not knowing any better, I gave him the information.
Shortly thereafter, boxes upon boxes of copier toner arrived at my office. I had never authorized the purchase, but they had my name, and sent the product anyway. The boxes weren't marked distinctively, so I opened them to see what was inside. Mistake. As soon as you open a box, you cannot refuse it to the shipper. So I was stuck with a bunch of high-priced toner that I didn't want or need.
Let anyone who answers the phone for your company know about this telemarketing scam. There are two approaches the scum-suckers usually take:
1. A person will call and say something like, "Hi. This is Brian from the office centre. Could you confirm the model number of your copier for me?
2. A person will call and say something like, "Hi. This is Jen from your supply centre. I wanted to let you know that we just got a major price hike on your copier toner. But since you're such a good customer of ours, I'll make sure you still get it at the old price. Do you still have the Canon M217 (they'll just make up a copier model)?
As soon as you reply with, "What is the name of the company you are calling from?" or "What information do you have on our copier?" or anything that requests information of them, they will hang up on you.
I've tried to bust these people, but have not yet been successful. I've tried to do a "*69" (call back) on the phone, but they always have their number blocked. I've also checked my caller ID, but again, the number is always blocked.
When I got the packages that time, I tried tracing the return address - it was a fake address. They must have gone into a postage service centre, used cash to pay for the shipping, and given a false return address. And what about the invoice? A P.O. box.
Not sure what would have happened if I hadn't paid the bill, but I DID give them my name and I DID give them my copier model number. They could have argued that it was an authorized sale.
My point is, don't get yourself into this situation. If anyone calls you asking you for ANY information - personal, business or otherwise - DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM! Ask for them to put their request in writing. If they're legit, they'll do it.
Please forward this to anyone who works in an office. I think this is important and could save people a lot of money and hassle (and possibly save someone their job!).
Let's beat these scumbags at their own game!
Melissa Hertzler

No Fixed Address
Vermont Attorney General William H. Sorrell announced that his office has settled a consumer fraud lawsuit against Merchant Product Services (MPS)(3522318 Canada, Inc.), a telemarketing company based in Montreal, Quebec run by its president and director, Misha Artzy.
MPS, a seller of paper and ribbon for credit and debit card machines, had solicited orders by telephone from businesses all over the country, using the Vermont address of a mail handling facility in the town of Derby.
The Attorney General alleged that the defendants violated the Vermont Consumer Fraud Act by:
• Failing to disclose important terms of MPS' offer, namely, the price and quantity of the supplies that the defendants wished to sell.
• Failing to provide required disclosures of customers' three-day right to cancel their purchase over the telephone.
• Charging unconscionably high prices for their products-between 5.4 and 11.0 times the prices of comparable products sold by others.
• Misrepresenting that MPS was affiliated with the manufacturer of credit/debit card machines or served such machines, rather than that it was actually a seller of machine supplies.
• Misrepresenting the purpose of the defendants' telemarketing sales calls by creating the impression that their calls were intended to check on how potential customers' credit and debit card machines were working.
Although the defendants denied these allegations they agreed to a permanent ban on doing any business in or into Vermont, including using a Vermont address.
They are also required to pay $21,000 in full refunds to all of their Vermont customers; full refunds to all non-Vermont customers who have filed-or who may in the future file-a complaint with the State; $60,000 in civil penalties to the State; and $12,500 to reimburse the State for its fees in litigating the case-for a total of at least $93,500.
For further information on the settlement, businesses can contact the Attorney General's Consumer Assistance Program at 1-800-649-2424. October 9, 2001

Free Can Be Expensive
02/02 - James W. MacDonald pleaded guilty to mail and a wire fraud conspiracy involving a $6 million dollar fraudulent telemarketing company in Boca Raton and New Jersey and was sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison.
He told his telemarketers to offer businesses free samples of cleaning and lighting supplies then later billed the companies for the supplies at prices inflated up to 4,500 percent, according to the U.S. attorney's office.
While the companies operated from 1989 to 1994, MacDonald was arrested in 1999. Three others, Darren Sturtevant, Philip Lynch, and Steven Green also pleaded guilty to the scheme and are awaiting sentencing.


black8 said...

As the first contributor to this site, I place my own Story. Let me tell you about my experience which, after all, is the reason for setting up this site.

I have been humiliated, defrauded, ridiculed, accused, challenged, hurt and victimized. I have been broke, poor and forgotten, I have been lied to endlessly and pushed into a world of continuous tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow comes the change, the money the success…..

In 1998 I visited South Africa and on looking up old friends met a guy by the name of Maarten Adriaan Schalekamp, an ex-dentist from Germiston who was introduced to me as a financier, running hospitals and other enterprises. Most importantly he turned out to be a first class Conman who defrauded people by millions of dollars.

At the time and extremely naïve in such matters I believed every word he said and was especially impressed by his mentioning of project developments he wanted to carry out in South Africa. He also approached me as to whether I would be interested in assisting him with project scouting and development.

This sounded like a good idea and was, and still is, close to my heart. South Africa had been good to me and I wanted to give something back. If I only would have known then…….

So, I decided to stay on and see how I could help. In March 1999, I was introduced to another fraudster by the name of John le Roux and was told that they were ready to import major funds into South Africa. Le Roux still had to go the Philippines and New York to finalize the deal. They needed money to do that and whether I could help?

So I helped. We wrote up contracts and within 30 days the money would be repaid. As you read this I am still waiting.

In the months following Schalekamp told me there was a delay in repayment, but nothing to worry about. Funds were coming anyway and I would be rewarded for waiting. In the meantime we should push for good projects, which I did.

Unbeknown to me Schalekamp was being sequestrated, family farms were involved, Ostrich leather deals went sour and one day he came and told me that he was going to the UK, where he had better opportunities and could work closer with the ultimate capital donors, being foundations and trust, highly secretive and not to be disclosed.

During all this time as I later found out he must have collected money, as he did from me, and that all these people had subsequently lost their capital just like me.

For the record, I did try to get my money back. I laid charges against le Roux and his company GB Investments Ltd. I laid charges at the commercial police in South Africa, at the Skorpions, a division of the SA police and sued Le Roux in court (Jurisdiction Randburg) Case Number is available. The police did not react and the court lost the file, probably paid off by le Roux. End result: No Joy!

While Schalekamp was overseas, major projects were announced and he even sent a contract for building a new airport near Johannesburg. Schalekamp announced that he had taken up the position of Financial Director of Edtmayer GmbH, Gurkgasse, Vienna, Austria. He signed contracts as Prokurist and financial director in their name together with their CEO by the name of Wallner and produced a Letter of Cession from that company for 50.000.000, 00 USD as a security for further project funding. Companies were to be started in South Africa in the name of Edtmayer and Seftec. His own son, Adriaan, was to be involved there including an offshore trust “Y7 Management” which was to be created (Schalekamp, in fact, formed such entity which appears to be still existing in the UK)

One day I received a call from Schalekamp that he was ready to start with the funding process and that he would urgently need an account in the UK to transfer some seed capital into this account. I said that I had such an account and he subsequently transferred some funds into this account for further distribution which I executed. I was now really hoping things would happen, because by that time my funds were pretty much exhausted, as I had no income. I was told to look for offices and a new home and it had to be done as soon as possible.

The rest of the story is quickly told. Nothing came of it. I had no more capital to live on and had to take an alternative route. I spoke to some of the project owners and suggested that I go overseas and see whether I can find some project partners willing to invest. One willing man was Nicolas Giannos, then in Düsseldorf Germany. He signed contracts with me, offered me a position as project manager and told me he had his money on Switzerland. He also visited South Africa earlier and was ready to go … I was delighted, finally a breakthrough! I moved my family plus cats and dog to Europe and joined up with Giannos. 3 weeks later he was gone, forever as it seems. My story continued unabated…..but that is for another chapter and from then on I actually started to research seriously the doings of these characters and how they swindle people out of their money…………

The Pseudo PI

Remember my UK Account and the transfer that came through. This money actually came, I believe, as an investment for Schalekamp and was so contracted from a Mrs. Valerie S. who had a friend by the name of Gordon Bowden. Gordon was a retired airplane mechanic with the Royal Air Force in the UK and after realizing that Valerie was defrauded by Schalekamp appointed himself as the Private Eye for his friend Valerie. This must have been in 2003. Gordon did what every good detective does. He started at where the money was paid to and, yes, it was paid in my account, ergo this must be the culprit and from then on he started on a weird and wonderful journey fabricating the most hilarious stories about me, my family and friends. But also about people who contacted me with their projects, people who wanted information, people from all over the world, which he combined, spun and fabricated into wonderful intrigues, which would put Hollywood to shame.


I once did some work for a SA Diamond Exchange and he deducted that this was about Blood Diamond Dealings. For some reason not known to me he accused me of weapons dealing. I never figured out exactly why, but he did connect me to the South African Secret Service, then to the Russian Underground, because I had a project presented by a Russian who he apparently connected to some shady organization.

The best thing is that we were setting up an experimental website for project support (I even wrote a little booklet for this purpose) and into which we placed all kinds of information as was available on the web. We also placed some persons at random on the site, starting with me and my wife. The site was tested and launched but never operative, if for no other reason then that we simply could not staff it. But we knew we could do it if needed, the framework was right. When he found the site he told me that this site was a hot bed of information. Needless to say, I was most amazed to hear that, considering that we had no intention to present anything or anybody in particular. The site was really only used for the email addresses.

So, who is Gordon Bowden?

Gordon and I were in loose contact for the past 2 years and I used to get sporadic calls, mails or Skype calls. They ranged from threats: “You are in deep shit and you will all be locked up…” to calls about his childhood his hard times and his being molested, to friendly calls: “I want to help you, I am your savior, I have the power, but you have to give me some more information” to lamentations that he did not have the career he wanted was never in combat as he would have loved etc …to a recent call in which he announced that he will now inform the United Nations, go to CNN and the BBC. I hope he gets to Larry King, maybe Larry can help him with an introduction to Steven Spielberg. They always look for good play writes.

I have invited him a couple of times to come and visit me so that we can discuss his problem. I want to look in his eyes and see what bothers him so much. Under which demon he is suffering, what went wrong with him that he bears such deep grudge at his old age, but to no avail. He prefers to hide and work out of a shady environment.

The Schalekamp-Bowden Connection

Nowadays I have reason to believe that Gordon Bowden has actually joined Schalekamp, who is obviously trying to shift the blame for his criminal actions. Acting under an umbrella of religious hypocrisy he must have successfully influenced old Gordon, who told me once that Schalekamp was caught in “that web” just like me (funny enough). The next time, of course, his story had changed again…Gordon also told me once that he was at presentations given by Schalekamp for potential investors. Perhaps he is hoping to make some money out of joining him…..

While Gordon and his club of pensioners is working out of Derby, UK, I have also reason to believe that Schalekamp has gone back to South Africa, I guess the UK must have become a risky place for him

Modus Operandi

Gordon works with the typical Carrot and Stick principal. He will phone up people and start with threats, will tell them that dossiers have been opened against them at all kinds of places and agencies. Irritated (me included) he will receive some sort of justification and explanatory information.

Gordon’s next call will be the helpful Samaritan approach. He will offer help but needs more information in order to proceed. He always works in small steps and will not finish what he wants to say in one session. Bit by bit, to allow him to stay in the limelight he drops his stories. At the end he will plays everybody against each other.

Gordon Bowden has stated that he has no problem working with Maarten Schalekamp, who is the very perpetrator of everyone’s misery and ruination.

Quint Essence

Fact is there are thousands of reasons why you will get stalked and harassed and the internet is a perfect platform, they can work incognito and on the quiet they can manipulate people by fear and false promises. If they are computer literate or have friends who are they can get almost all the information. For example, bank accounts are only as secret as the cheapest bank employee succumbing to an offer. I guess banks can give the answer on that one. In my case it was especially easy as when I finally did run out of funds, (I just could not live on promises for ever) credit reports began to surface all over the show. These are facts which cannot be denied.

But let me state this categorically for the record: I have never been charged or investigated or as much as received a phone call from any law-enforcing agency, whether in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, the USA, not from any Department of the Interior, the Interpol, national police, the FBI, CIA, NSA, KGB, Mossat or any other well known organization portrayed on TV or in your local Cinema. In fact, I lead a rather quiet life and follow my dream, a dream to make a little difference to some people and doing that by assisting projects in the fields of Health and Environmental Improvements.

Personally I respect Time and Money above all else, and in the spirit of the Creation Money represents Energy and Time Space, the universal Dualism and I actually measure people on how they handle these two subjects.

Peter Filippinetti

black8 said...





GORDON BOWDEN emails or calls you regarding someone you know, requesting information on their whereabouts

- their business - their friends and colleagues, even people they have known in the past - obstensibly

to assist or aid them in some matter. He then uses this information to obtain further information from the people you have referred him to. These people are then also researched on the web and through any other means at his disposal (by the way, this of course also includes you!)!

Information is gathered about your background, where you work, what kind of work you do, banking information, accounts you may have and information of this kind on you family and your friends, who are then also drawn into his web of destruction.

He employs illegal means to extract your bank details, what goes in and out of your account, which credit cards you have, what you spend and on what. He even obtains your medical details by posing as an accredited official or gets one of his criminal lap dogs to do his dirty work for him.

All this information is then used to conduct a smear campaign on you on the web, in the media and especially at your work place, among your business associates and at your banking institute.

He falsely accuses you of receiving stolen money and filtering it through your account,
of dirty dealings in your business circle and before long you have lost your job, your credibility your colleages and friends - in fact, you have lost your life so to speak!

Gordon Bowden thrives on the destruction of innocent people by any means possible. To quote him: "I do not give a rat's arse whom I hurt or destroy in the process"!

He will tell you he does this to avenge a friend of his, do not be fooled by this. do not listen to his sob story, do not be taken in by this as so many other people haven been and who have been ruined in the process.

He has no official status although he will try to make you believe that he has.

Be warned by this! This man, this loathsome creature who should be living under a rock, does all this for self aggrandisement. His low sense of self worth drives him to seek attention in the only way he knows by the destruction of other people and thereby obtaining some sort of sick recognition, his international moment in the sun.

This is all true! This happened to me, my husband and dear ones. Read our story under the ABOUT US heading and immediately report GORDON BOWDEN OF DERBY ENGLAND should he show up on your email or call you.

Press for Freedom said...

Re: Gordon Bowden of Derby. I currently have a defamation and harassment claim going through the High Court against Gordon Bowden and Peter Eyre.

I would be most interested to have contact with you and know your story about Gordon Bowden.

my e-mail is

Truth that is urgent said...

Mr. Shailesh Das
Mr. Peter Van Montfoort
from ABN AMRO Bank


I demand immediate action on the robbery and money laundering that is happening through your foundations and banks and the use of HSBC and Barclays Banks to pass transactions from stolen funds that have been put on the screens and having individuals like PREMIER INVESTMENT, NAGY SHEHATA rob all the brokers and acting as if he is the owner of the funds when he himself is a broker that you put on those stolen funds.
Then he turns around and defrauds the ones that assist him to do the transactions.  He is a thief and everyone knows it.  Crooked garbage.

He is part of the gangsters with the ones who are in our computers hacking into us and robbing our transactions.  We work on transactions that we work on for months and then rob us and never pay us, he is a front for the gangsters thieves murderers and so is Al Massah and so sre all the banks worldwide and so is ABN AMRO.

About 9 years ago or so I am the one who did the introduction for Nagy to do his deal.  He robbed me then and I was too young in the business to know better. Lately,  after Nagy and Jean Raad Allie of Nagy promised that nothing will be hidden I will be on the contracts and he (Jean) says he is with Interpol and if Nagy does not pay me, he himself will arrest him and get my money.   Don't worry Linda he told me He controls all.  Now he threatens to put me in jail.  Funny what MAMON can do, even turn police entities into gangsters.

Well they run me for 9 months, they disrupted and caused division with the contacts I brought, Jean and Nagy did not give me time to get out of bed in the morning calling non stop and all day without eating until 3 am and calling at all times until my glands got swollen from my immune system being so low.

They always lied to say oh this huge financial company in the UK are Nigerians, sure he sent people to do behind my back to meet with them and are not Nigerians and did not pay me.  Games of fraud.

All that crook of Nagy found problems and told them not to give me the information and talked bad behind my hiding he was doing behind my back that is why some stopped taking my calls.

But my God is not to be fooled and I got the info on the deal being done in Venezuela with crook Errol Douglas and it was confirmed by high level.

Am sure the crook of Nagy robbed other brokers as Lee Rogers knew of the Venezuela deal he said to me that the Al Massah told him and he said that brokers called him complaining Nagy robbed them on the Venezuela deal.

But after talking to Al Massah he denied all.  Nice!

Truth that is urgent said...

Now I want my money and I want all of it and all of you gangsters get out of my computers and phones.  Hacking and robbing me. And all the brokers, platforms etc on your millions of servers and you are robbing the whole world and putting the funds on screens and putting them in tons of huge transactions that are hidden to wash the dirty history of your defrauding all the brokers.

Yes Jean Raad can threaten to put me in jail because he says he is with Interpol and will get me.
Nagy can threaten to have me killed but I am not scared of neither of them or the money launderers, murderers, thieves behind them.
My God is the one for years wanting the world to know the truth. My God wanting the racketeering to stop.

They even rob all our payments when we have to be paid on transactions.  They are in our computers and phones and know each word we speak and each letter we type, they host all our computers, phones, TVs etc.  

Do not act as you don't know Mr Peter from ABN AMRO.  You and all the banks know if your alliance with the gangsters.

Now I warn you all either you give me the 5%on each deal that Nagy was to give me for what he closed by my hard work or I will go worldwide with this and take action against all of you.

You robbed us by hacking into us for over ten years and now own the whole world. All the banks have become rich and fat with the deals that the gangsters stole from our computers.

Karen HUDES ex chief counsel of the world Bank can tell you and Alan Grayson political man and many more. What about Snowden?
And many more.

Truth that is urgent said...

Enough of this abuse.   We demand deliverance. This time it is not Royal Bank of Scotland and others that they robbed me and  stole from me and I backed away, this time all will go worldwide and I will take action and if they visit my Lawyers to make them drop me, as they did in the past I will sue the Lawyers too.

Enough is enough.  This is the biggest gangster financial heist the world has ever seen.  Robbing all the brokers in the business by hiding in their computers and phones and that over ten years and we complain to every agency and they are all  bought by the thieves.

Bringing their monies they stole for us to place and then not paying us.

Justice of the world we need truth and deliverance from the gangsters that rob us, stop following crooks and help us who are being abused because when you will be judged by the One who has a righteous judgment it will be too late to go back and undo what you allow.

Who will you put in jail, who will you kill?  I know the ones with you killed many and judgment will be on your heads.

I ask for my money I worked hard to earn.

Al MASAH Capital is not responding, hiding behind the fraud.

I demand it all stops, we had enough and justice must come because you will all have a lot of answering to do as God is here and watching.  You think you control the world?  This is His world and you are making a big mess of it for the love of money you are giving children and their families tremendous sufferings.

Do you think He likes his children to be robbed and made destitute by gangsters that live in luxury.

I am not joking I will take action as there are judges and high level people I n the world that are not crooks and I want the abuse to end.

Truth that is urgent said...

launderer working through ABN AMRO, BARCLAYS, HSBC ETC.  All the funds the hackers stole from doing the transactions they stole from our computers, they put on the screens and in many bank accounts and putting crooks in front they do the deals to wash the history of the funds.  You unaware do their receiver and sender deals, currency exchanges, trade and screen arrangements, MTNS, BGs etc.  The whistle blower's site has a list of the ones that are crooks and robbed brokers.   If we report them, we will better be able to work properly and perhaps even the agencies people  that are part of them will be arrested.

It takes the Lords power as they enticed many agencies, political entities and with the stolen money they bought the world as KAREN HUDES said with the stolen money they acquired every media company, every IT company, all the real estate and everything else.  
We are being set up to work for them to do their deals to wash the funds they stole from us and from us and from illegal activities such as drugs, guns etc.

We have to join to demand these people are arrested and if we join together we have power.

Distraught mother said...

I realize you feel you are providing a service with this blog; but listing court cases that you have no actual knowledge of truth is irresponsible!

annasouza said...

I know very well what it says Truth that is urgent and know some of the scammers appointed, they continue doing the same, are from two years ago in southern Spain,in San Fernando, Cádiz with contacts in Brazil and Portugal, continues to play ...