People says there is no such thing as an High Yield Investment Program,
They are wrong
Here are the real and safe Investments, follow the below regulations and you will make a fortune, but;
High Yield Investments and Digital Currencie
It is our duty and mission to inform you about your possibilities to gain lawful earnings and this is absolute possible in profitable Investment Programmes.
Make no mistake: Our mission at Tip Top Equities is
To sift through the thousands of underperforming
Companies out there to find the golden needle in the
Haystack. The micr0-cap DIAMOND that can make you
A fortune. More often than not, the st0cks we
Profile shows a significant increase in st0ck price,
Sometimes in days, not months or years. We have come
Across what we feel is one of those rare deals that
The public has not heard about yet. Read on to find
Out more.
Company: HLV Trading Inc.
Symb0l: HLVC. PK
Current Price $0.028
2 - 3 Day Target Price: $0.055
6 month Target Price: $0.090
Over the past 30 years, st0ck-brokerage firms have
Grown faster and realized greater profits than any
Other industry, and that includes the booming,
Technologies sector. Now, HLV Trading is leading this
Revenue-rich business into the next generation,
Combining cutting-edge technology with an explosive
Marketplace, breaking ground with the very first
Direct Access Electronic Trading Centres in the United
States. Direct Access Trading puts into your hands,
The everyday trader, the ability to trade just likes
The professionals at the big Wall Street firms,
Cutting out the traders and giving YOU, the individual
Investor, the powers to trade just like the big boys.
A major PR campaign has just begun for Monday and ALL
Of next weeks trading. This one is only trading at
.02 - .03 cents. The gains are going to be huge!!
* Act Very Quick *
HLV Capital is a New York based publicly traded equity
Trading firm. The company trades U.S. equities for
Their own account. HLVC's traders benefit from the
Firms volume trading discounts, buying power leverage,
And the sharing of the company’s expertise in trading.
It is HLVC's goal to build an organization where
Their traders can thrive and build themselves a long,
Rewarding career as a professional Trader. HLV
Capital is among the fastest growing proprietary
Trading firms in the nation.
This one only began trading on the OTC Aug 9 2005.
This major campaign is putting 1000's of investors in
The know. We expect big things from this company!
8/16 HLV Trading Opens California Operations
10/26 HLV Trading Opens Two New Trading Locations
In Asia
Latest News:
Record Trading Volume of 19_Mi||i0n Shares Executed in
Single Day. NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 1, 2005--
HLV Trading, Inc. today announced that its volume of
Daily executed trades has steadily been
Increasing over the past nine months.
"We are very excited about the growth we have been
Experiencing this year and pleased to announce a
Record trading volume of 19_mi||i0n shares was
Executed in single day. " Commented Charles Vaccaro,
President and Chief Executive Officer of HLV Trading,
Inc. "With more offices opening over the next 12
Months I believe we can expect to see more new records
Being set." concluded Vaccaro.
This is one to keep your EYES on all next week.
Expect some big news!
Information within this em4i| c0nta1ns "f0rw4rd
|0ok1n_) st4t3ments" within the meaning of Sect10n
27Aof the Secur1ties_Act--of 1933 and Secti0n_21B of
The Secur1ties_Exchange_Act of 1934. Any statements
That express or inv0lve discussi0ns with respect to
Pred1cti0ns, expectati0ns, beliefs, p|ans,pr0jecti0ns,
Objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or
Performance are not statements of historical fact and
May be "f0rw4rd |0ok1ng st4t3ments". "F0rw4rd |0ok1ng
St4t3ments" are based on expectations, estimates and
Pr0jections at the time the statements are made that
Involve a number of risks and uncertainties which
Could cause actual results or events to differ
Materially from those presently anticipated. We were
Paid a sum of thr33 th0us4nd USD to disseminate this
Information from ir marketing. F0rw4rd |0ok1ng
St4t3ments in this action may be identified through
The use of words such as "projects", "f0resee",
"Exp3cts", "wi||","ant1cipates", "est1mates",
"Believes", "understands" or that by statements
Indicating certain acti0ns "may", "c0uld", or "might"
Occur. Risk fact0rs include general economic and
Business conditions, the ability to acquire and
Develop specific projects, the ability to fund
Operations and changes in consumer and business
Consumption habits and other factors over which the
Company has little or no control. The publisher of
This newsletters does not represent that the
Information contained herein is true and correct.
Hot_St0ck Trading Alerts for Monday!!!
In the current oil market, select small energy
Deals are flying. With growing demand,
Shrinking supplies, and government support for
Domestic energy projects, is there a better
Sector to invest in?
A Huge PR Campaign Has Begun For Monday and
All of next weeks trading with this one at only
$.02 very huge gains are possible! You may want
To Act Very Quick!!
With this in mind, we would like to present a
Company poised for big returns:
Symbol: PPTL. PK
Current Price: $0.025
Short Term Target Price: $0.053
3 month Target Price: $0.12
Premium Petroleum, Inc. is a diversified energy
Company focused on exploiting the vast oil and
Gas reserves of Northern Canada. With a strong
Management and technical team, Premium
Petroleum will apply innovative technologies
Towards the discovery and development of a
Diverse portfolio of high value, low risk
Energy projects. The company just went public
In August of this year, and is in a position to
Do great things.
***Why we believe PPTL is a Winner***
++News From the Sector++
* Crude oil prices continue to remain high,
Nearly double the price of the previous year.
* Natural gas futures have more than doubled
Compared with a year ago and are expected to
Produce huge heating bills this winter across
Much of the United States.
* According to a Goldman Sachs report, Oil
Markets have entered a "super-spike" period
That could see 1970's-style price surges as
High as $105 a barrel.
*Chinese and Indian oil demand continues to
Surge with no end in sight.
++News From PPTL++
* Aug 10, 2005 - Premium Petroleum goes public
* Sep 8, 2005 - Premium Petroleum purchases
The gas rights to 640 acres of proven land.
* Sep 14, 2005 - A study commissioned by
Premium Petroleum values gas rights on acquired
Property to be approximately $8,000,000 per
Well with a 12 well potential.
Monday, 26 February 2007
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